Two Short Stories Available in E-book Format

Here are the two short stories that I had e-Book covers created for. They are both available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords for 99 cents. I'm uploading them to CreateSpace, so they should be available in print soon. I'm working on some others but I need to type them in Word. Some of these short stories I just rediscovered in my box of "junk." All of them were handwritten. I found a complete book, too. Yaay! This is stuff that I wrote way back in the day. It needs some tweaking, but I'm going to publish it. I figure, I wrote it and I no longer want it to be just for my eyes only. 

I actually think my short stories and other books I wrote back then were deeper than what I write now. They are more about real-life issues. Lik,e one of them is about this a young teen who was drinking and driving and got into a fatal accident that killed his eight-year-old brother. I changed the title to that one. It's going to be Am I My Brother's Killer. I need to type it up this week. That's one of my goals for this week.

I had never thought about publishing my short stories until I read about it on Dean Wesley Smith's blog. He writes and publishes a lot of stuff. His blog has a plethora of information for self-published authors. Plus, when I used to read the Amazon discussion boards, I'd read about one self-published author who'd followed DWS's advice and published all of his short stories. He'd gotten tons of sales from just short stories. (That discussion is gone now, though. Other authors were giving him hell, talking about he was bragging, exaggerating, yada, yada. I saw it as he was just trying to encourage other self-published authors and show them that they could make money from selling short stories. We can be so cruel to each other). Anyho, I digress. 

Here are the two short stories. 

Raggedy Ann
Annie Mitchell was born behind a dumpster, the offspring of a crackhead mother and a small time pimp. She was left to die on a cold December night, but God--or the devil--had other plans for her.

At age sixteen, Ann runs away from her foster family after stabbing her foster father in the groin with a steel meat skewer. On the streets, she survives by stealing whatever she needs and living in abandoned buildings. When she meets an older, street hustler named Dimples, her life changes. She thinks that she's in love with him and wants to give him her most precious gift—her virginity. Ann's dream of having a happy home and unconditional love quickly fades when a startling secret is revealed.
A young teen tries to honor his mother’s dying request and get to know his absentee father. Can he forgive a man who was never there, whose absence made him feel insignificant for most of his life?


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