Writer Wednesday - Author Tracy L. Darity

When did you first begin writing?

I have been writing since my teen years, but I didn’t decide to write an actual novel until 1997, after being inspired at the Essence Music Festival by Michael Baisden, Tanarive Due, Eric Jerome Dickey and Tavis Smiley.

When did you finish your first book and what’s the title?

I finished my first book in 1998, although it wasn’t published until 2008.   The title is “He Loves Me He Loves Me Not!” and can be purchased on my website www.TracyLDarity.com or Amazon.com.

What genre do you write in and how did you choose that genre?

I write Contemporary Fiction.  I write in this genre because my focus is on true-to-life fiction that any reader can relate to, or see him or herself in. 

Do you write full-time or do you have another profession?

I do not write full-time, it is more of a hobby that I really enjoy.  I currently work part-time and I am a full-time student pursuing a BA in English Literature.  I hope to go on and earn a Masters in Fine Arts.

How do you market your work?  What avenues have you found to work best for your genre? 

Currently, I do not do much marketing, but in the past I have done everything from Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Kindle giveaway’s, E-Newsletters, book festivals, KDP Select, book signings and going door to door to beauty salons and other businesses.  I don’t think genre drives advertising, but hard work and commitment.  When I put 100% into marketing (like when I release a new book) I see great results, and when I don’t I get minimal results.   

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

Of course the best is when people tell you they love your work.  Just this past weekend there was a challenge on Facebook to name 10 books that have impacted your life.  I felt so honored that someone listed my novel, the “Red Bear Society,” and others agreed. I also had a school to select the “Red bear Society” as their summer read, and I was invited to come and do a Q&A/Signing.  That was a huge honor.

I am always open to receiving reader feedback, so the toughest criticism I would have to say is when someone rates my work 1-star but doesn’t give a reason.  I recall asking a stranger to read my novel, “Love…Like Snow In Florida on a Hot Summer Day” and she posted a 3 page critique on my website, basically telling me how she would have written the novel.

Reviews are important for authors. How do you go about requesting reviews?

In terms of requesting reviews, I pretty much limit that to sending ARCS (Advanced Reader Copies) out to reviewers who have agreed to review the book.  Although I would love for every reader to write a review or at the very least rate my books, I have never done a campaign to push readers to leave a review.  As an avid reader myself, and being in reader groups, I have learned that a lot of things authors do is seen as invasive and annoying to readers.  Ouch!  So I try to take into consideration how my actions may affect current and potential readers of my work.

Let everyone know where they can find you and your books.

I can be found by using keyword: TracyLDarity.  I am on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn,  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, and my website address is www.TracyLDarity.com

Do you have any advice you can give to aspiring writers?

My advice to aspiring authors is to, do you.  Do not try to fit into anyone else’s idea of what you should be doing.  Write because you love it, not because you think it is a good hustle.  Understand that writing is an art and when you present it to the world it is open to critique and the reader’s interpretation--hundreds of millions of books are sold every year so your goal is to connect with the people who will appreciate your style and craft.  Last, always be open to what people have to say, keep what will help you become better, and leave the rest where you found it.

Other Books Written by Tracy L. Darity

Love....Like Snow In Florida On A Hot Summer Day


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