Writer Wednesday - Author Leatrus Iverson

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Leatrus Iversen. I am 40 years of age with two children, a daughter, 23 years old, and a son, 17 years old. I was born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I love meeting and talking to new people and inspiring them to fulfilled their goals and dreams.

When did you first begin writing?

I began writing in 2013. I was always an avid reader but never considered writing and publishing my own novels. My sister, Inger Iversen, is also an author. I went with her to a book signing and fell in love with the thought of being able to write my own novels and share them with the world. That same day I began writing my first novel.

When did you finish your first book and what’s the title?

I finished my first novel, Uncharted Desires, in 2014. My first book is an erotic romance novel with a strong storyline and several twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat. In this novel I emphasis on two things: do not let your past dictate your future and your decisions not only affect you but others in your life also.

What genre do you write in and how did you choose that genre?

I like to refer to myself as a “freedom writer.” I do not have one specific genre that I commit to. My first novel is erotic romance/multicultural and my second, No Rest for the Weary; A Single Mother’s Testimony is a contemporary women’s fiction/inspirational. I am currently working on a murder mystery and Christian fiction novel.

Do you write full-time or do you have another profession?

I do not write full time although this is a goal that I am working towards. I currently work for a house cleaning company and I am part owner of my own residential/commercial cleaning company FIRST CLASS cleaning services.

How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre?

I market my work on social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. I also have my books in The Urban Moon Book: The Indie Author Outlet in Chesapeake Square Mall in Chesapeake, Virginia. I attend several local book signings in my area and I always have my books with me when I go out on an average day. You never know when you will run into someone who is looking to purchase a new novel.

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

The toughest criticism was that my novels sometime start out too slowly. The best compliment was that I have a way of reaching in to my readers and grabbing their emotions and making them really think. I’ve been told by several readers that they thought I had spied on them and wrote a book about their personal lives. It feels good to be able to write something from my imagination and touch so many people in different ways.

Reviews are important for authors. How do you go about requesting reviews?

In the beginning I used to be obsessed about gaining reviews. Now I do not dwell on it. I will ask my reader to leave a review if they can but if they do not, I don’t let it affect my work. I write first and foremost for the enjoyment. I know my novels are not for everyone and I accept that. When I do get reviews, I read each one and learn from it.

Let everyone know where he or she can find you and your books.

Readers can find my books on www.amazon.com/author/leatrusiversen. Also for all my e book lovers, you can one click Uncharted Desires or No Rest for the Weary. I am on barnesandnoble.com. Also readers can inbox me directly on Facebook to purchase a signed copy of my novels. If they are local I can deliver it or mail it directly to their homes.

Do you have any advice you can give to aspiring writers?

DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELFS. When I first started writing, I didn’t have a laptop or a computer. I began writing my first novel in spiral notebooks. By the time I could afford a laptop, I have four one single subject notebooks full that I had to type. If you are passionate about becoming a writer, then you must be determined, motivated and ready to work hard.

Also, seek advice and help from more established authors. If you have a question, do not be afraid to ask questions. There are so many people that are willing to help you make your dream come true. Stay true to yourself, write every day, and never quit no matter how hard things get.


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