Writer Wednesday - Author Clarissa Cobain

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Clarissa Cobain. I’m 18 years young. I’m from New York and I love pizza.

When did you first begin writing?
I started writing when I was like 10 years old. It started off with a series of stick figure comics I would draw with my best friend, and as I got older I started writing stories.

When did you finish your first book and what’s the title?
I finished my first book when I was in the sixth grade. It was a fan fiction of a cross between Michael Meyers and Freddy Kruger. I still have the notebook I wrote it in till this day. Each time I look back and read it, I cringe a little, like, “what was I thinking?”

What genre do you write in and how did you choose that genre?
I write horror stories mostly. Horror has always been my favorite genre and growing up both my mom and my grandmother worked in a funeral home so I was always around a dark and creepy area.

Do you write full-time or do you have another profession?
I pretty much write full time, unless being a college student counts as a profession.

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment? 
I’ve actually gotten some pretty great feedback each time I do decide to share my writing with another person, so I can’t really say that I’ve received and tough criticism. I think the best compliment I’ve received about my writing was from my high school English teacher on how well I’m able to create a visual picture with my story telling.

Reviews are important for authors. How do you go about requesting reviews?
I usually go to other authors I know for feedback, I took a break from writing due to personal reasons, so I haven’t done anything recently.

Let everyone know where he or she can find you and your books.
I am on Instagram as clarissa.nyc; Tumbr: pencilsandliquor.tumblr.com, and on Blogspot: pizzaandliquor.blogspot.com

Do you have any advice you can give to aspiring writers?
Never stop writing! The minute an idea hits you write it down. Expand your vocabulary and do a lot of extensive research.


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