Writer Wednesday – Author Rocky Chris Rose


Tell us a little about yourself.

I was born and raised in New Haven, CT, I'm the third child of four, and I'm the child of a pastor and minister. I'm the "different" one of my siblings, I always go against the grain, very strong willed. I've been through hell and back in my life, was even in a relationship with Satan himself twice and trust me, it was not pretty either time. My solo novel is about the first relationship I was in where I was abused by the man or shall I say boy who claimed he loved me, the novel that follows, which will be released next April is about the second relationship I was in, both relationships ended with me being abused, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I've grown a lot from the messed up relationships I was in, they have strengthened me beyond my wildest dreams. Writing started out as an outlet for me, I would keep diaries and notebooks filled with my thoughts and feelings and as my life took certain turns I began to write about it.

When did you first begin writing?

I first began writing my sophomore year of high school, an English assignment ignited my fire to be a writer and I've been hooked ever since.

When did you finish your first book and what’s the title?

My first book was completed in July of 2012, released October 2012 and it's titled I Win You Lose, it was co-written.

What genre do you write in and how did you choose that genre?

I write erotica and urban fiction. They chose me, I didn't choose them. I love sex. I love thinking about sex, talking about sex. Erotica definitely chose me. Urban fiction also chose me. It's my life. I write about the things I've been through, things I've experienced.
Do you write full-time or do you have another profession?

I do not write full-time yet, but I definitely will be sooner rather than later. I am a CNA by day, a mother of 2, writer, and baker by night.
How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre?

I market my books by word of mouth, and social media. I always seem to come across people either at work, the hair salon or on the street that ask me why I act the way I do, which is the perfect intro for me to introduce my work to people and 9 times out of 10 they end up purchasing a copy of my book.

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

The toughest criticism I got was a reader telling me that I needed to make my work attractive to readers of different ethnicities, I embraced it, I welcomed it with open ears. The best compliments have come from people who have read my second book, My Man My Abuser and tell me that they see a little of themselves in the main female character or that they feel each and every emotion my characters were feeling at the very moment.

Reviews are important for authors. How do you go about requesting reviews?

Reviews are VITAL!! Once in a while I'll do a giveaway of books and in return the readers leave me reviews, I love my readers!!!!

Let everyone know where they can find you and your books.

On Facebook I'm under Rocky Rose, on Instagram I'm AuthorRockyRose and on Twitter I'm @naughtyrocky85

Do you have any advice you can give to aspiring writers?

I would tell aspiring authors to follow their dreams, never to give up. Write everyday to perfect your craft and grow daily as an author and never, ever be afraid to ask for help, there a lot of authors who are willing to help new authors and not charge them anything!!

Is there anything that you’d like to say to your readers/fans?

I just want to thank all of my readers/fans that have gave me encouraging words, who had messaged me and emailed me telling my how much my book My Man My Abuser has touched them or helped them out. I'm very grateful that the trials I have faced in my life are able to help others!

Previous Writer Wednesday Author Interview


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